Law in Everyday Life

Author:LCS & Partners

I. Summary
  • How to obtain legal remedy
  • Key aspects in contract drafting
  • Common legal document samples
  • Age and criminal liabilities

II. Civil Law
  • Matters to pay attention to when lending money to others
  • How to conduct assets search on a debtor
  • How to handle car accident and seek compensation
  • How to handle "dishonored check"
  • Matters to pay attention to when renting a house
  • Rights and interests protection in "mutual aid association"
  • Guarantee
  • TV shopping and mail order
  • Foreclosure sale

III. Corporate Law
  • Matters to pay attention to when convening a board of directors' meeting
  • Obtaining management control of a company
  • Restrictions on shares transfer
  • Non-competition
  • Protection of trade secret
  • Mergers and acquisition
  • Ownership of IP rights
  • IP right infringement and remedy
  • Insider trading
  • Dismissal and severance
  • Work hours and holidays
  • Salary and pension

IV. Marriage and Family
  • Marriage and divorce
  • Matrimonial property regime
  • Estate distribution
  • Handling domestic violence
  • Educating and serving as a guardian to a minor
  • Birth out of wedlock and child adoption
  • Adoption
  • Successor and his entitlement
  • Limited succession and waiver of succession right

V. Criminal Court
  • Probation and parole
  • Drunk driving and hit and run
  • Underage prostitution
  • Videotaping with hidden camera
  • Protection of personal information

VI. Administration
  • Risks associated with owing tax
  • Police random inspection
  • State compensation law
  • Inheritance tax and gift tax
  • Noises of neighbors