Practical Guide to Post-ECFA Finance Law

Author:LCS & Partners

Chapter 1: Corporate M&A and Capital Markets
  • Review of M&A cases in Taiwan since 2009
  • Analysis of the procedures and legal issues regarding foreign companies' IPO in Taiwan
  • Top ten legal obstacles for attracting global investments in Taiwan
  • Negotiating survival periods of representations and warranties in acquisitions: Limiting risk to purchase price
  • Anti-dilution clause in investment contracts – analyzing conversion price adjustment mechanism from investors' perspective

Chapter 2: Corporate Finance and Financial Instruments
  • A study on financial derivatives
  • Legal issues related to real property integration
  • An analysis of the latest court rulings on structured notes – an examination of trustees' responsibility
  • Legal framework of factoring and analysis of factoring cases in Taiwan

Chapter 3: Practical Aspects of Corporate Management
  • Taxation case review and analysis
  • Business competition and avoidance of "acting in concert"
  • Elements of insider trading and related court rulings

Chapter 4: Corporate Reorganization
  • International practice for creditor recovery from troubled companies
  • Assignment of operations prior to confirmation of the reorganization plan