- 開曼基金針對FATCA之法令遵循應注意之重點 (2014年,「財經法律實務最前線」,書泉出版)
- 衍生性金融商品研究 (2011年01月,收錄於「後ECFA實戰財金法律」,書泉出版)
- International Practice for Creditor Recovery from Troubled Companies (2011年01月,收錄於「後ECFA實戰財金法律」,書泉出版)
- Co-author, Taiwan Chapter for IBA Insurance Committee Substantive Project 2011, "Privilege in Insurance Disputes: 'Shielding Privileged Information in the Midst of a Sword Fight'”
- Co-author, Taiwan Chapter for IBA Insurance Committee Substantive Project 2010, "Insurance Portfolio Transfers: 'Move On and Let Go'"
- What can you do when your U.S. customer files for bankruptcy? (2008年01月,收錄於「A+企業超群法律」,書泉出版)
- The 2002 ISDA Master Agreement:The New Market Standard Form for Derivatives Transactions (2006年12月,收錄於「A+企業卓越法律」,書泉出版)
- Co-author of the chapter on Taiwan in "International Insurance Law and Regulation" (Oxford University Press)